Dreams in the Sky

It's not often that I have(or remember) dreams. I think it is because I do not get enough sleep in the night to get into them. But early this morning I had a brief dream that was quite vivid and detailed.
I was living in the future, in a world that had seen advancements in space exploration. Which is to say the spaceships of the time were much prettier...and shiny. I was traveling through a lightly wooded area to a house belonging to a mother and son. I don't remember why I was going there, but when I arrived in the yard the sky started to darken to twilight. I looked up then and saw a silver slightly futuristic A-10 Thunderbolt cross the sky low overhead and come to a hover right above the yard at about 100ft. Then another ship flew in coming to a hover. This one was blimp shaped and the lights on it were streaming down its flank. I thought then that a battle was going to occur because all of a sudden the sky was filled with aircraft and spacecraft of all different shapes, sizes and luminescence. The wind started to whip and I had this strange premonition that caused me to look at the open garage attached to the house I was going to and all I could see were strobe like striped lights, lighting up the inside of the dark garage. I felt at that time a compulsion to turn around and I saw that the Mother and her small son were standing behind me. I told them that I thought that *they*, the ships, were here for her and her son. She looked at me then guided her son to a large box partially buried in the ground. They got in and she drew the lid down on top of her. Effectively hiding her from *sight*. I didn't think that she was safe though as the box was rather flimsy. I thought perhaps going into the house would be a better plan but it didn't seem that she was afraid. She just calmly went into the box with her son. I woke just after that. Teh thing that struck me most was the detail of the crafts and that they were quite brilliant and sleek and covered in lights. It was the most amazing thing I wasn't afraid. And I quite vividly remember the A-10 Thunderbolt. I do wonder what happened to her and her son though. It was very strange.
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