Monday, August 29, 2005

No simple thing...

I have to say that this weekend has been quite an emotional one. Thursday was the release of the Final Turn of the Purgatory's second chronicle. Friday saw the final Purgatory game which was another moving evening(though I want to kill my cobbler). Saturday was a nice break, but then there was Ian and Val's BBQ on Sunday evening. Seriously, so damned emotional, even though much was kept inside. It's almost bloody painful to know it will be six months before we get back into the game and seeing all those familiar faces again.

And then something inside turned in one of my last conversations of Sunday evening. People were saying how sad they felt and how they will miss each other in the intervening months off and another spoke up and said it didn't have to end. All we needed to do was make an effort to see each other outside of Purgatory. We just had to pick up the phone or email each other and just make some plans. It was a simple solution. And it made all the difference.

And when I think on it, feeling this way tells me that though I do not spend a lot of time with the people I have come to know over the last ten months, they have made a significant place in my life that I have come to cherish. And I can smile through the wistfulness of this seeming ending and know I have a good thing in those friends and the experiences we have had together, and will again.


Now, if the Purgatory site would just come back up so I could start one of those emails.


Blogger Tyburn said...

Ya know... the ongoing comment of the sadness,(i'm not better at the momnent), it starting to make me wonder what deeper nerve this hit with people. Since when are friendships defined by the hobbies? I thought it was by the people? I, of course, speak from my ass a good deal of the time but really... Purgatory was just a game....

8:49 PM  
Blogger Milady said...

Well. I do understand what you're saying.

The impact this game has had is twofold for me. And I suppose I embrace the changes in my life this hobby inspires. With friendships as well as personal development from the experiences I've had.

Filters reset.

10:57 PM  

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