Saturday, February 25, 2006

Back to work after an enjoyable long weekend, which was reasonable. After, I went to Taekwondo where we practiced kicks and self defense throwdowns. As I was getting up from being 'put on the floor' I heard a crunchy feel/sound under my left kneecap. Yes it hurt a bit, but I continued with the practice, kicks against the bag and block and punch moves. It wasn't until I got home and was getting out of the car that I really felt the extent of the injury. Weight on my knee while bent = more pain than I care to bear. Rodicon suggested icing...good idea there. It's about 90% now and with a little more rest(after Suburbs..what! Can't possibly not go!) I'll be good to go again on Monday.

Grumpy. Grumpy at work especially. And for no really good reason except that the plastic covering on the ream of paper I was trying to open WOULDN"T come open. A Rip, Tear, Kill later and there were plastic bits in tatters on the floor, but embarassingly enough my boss saw the scene. Hmph. What's even worse, is twice this week a swear has been uttered from my mouth at their presence...!

Started work at 8:30a and didn't leave until 9p. After the regular shift I had volunteered to help with Canadian Firearms Safety Course testing. I was certified as an instructor last month and this was the first opportunity to put the certification to use. And it was quite enjoyable. My first student was of Canadian Aboriginal decent and for a moment I thought how good this was to see her there and know she was doing this to be a positive influence in her circle and as a suppliment to the traditions her community celebrates. And she was so very nervous. She wouldn't look at me through the introduction to the test, she just stood there staring straight to her front like a soldier at attention. I realized she needed to be put at ease or we were going to have a hard time with this. I put down my clipboard and moved a step closer and told her to just relax, and that she was going to do fine.She looked at me then and told me she was drawing a complete blank. What came next is not something that needs to be explained in detail, just know it felt right to do at the time. And it worked. For both of us. She succeeded in passing the test though it took the longest time to complete. She did well, working through the problems and scenarios with encouragement where I was allowed to give. I came away with a positive first time too.
Afterwards I went to BP's and chatted with D about my Purgatory Character and now have a firm idea that will translate well not just on paper but in action too. *g* Thanks D.

*thinks* hmm...that was lastnight....went and picked my mom up from the RoadKing in Sherwood Park and had a very interesting chat with and got to know the Chaplin there a little better while my mom finished her talk with another fellow. I took her to my place to pick up my son and then we were off to East Side Marios.... OK, if a person is on a sugar(read carbohydrate) reduced diet, DON'T go to East Side Marios. Fuck I love pasta. *hangs head* Ok, so I had to allow myself to indulge. But when my mom and son ordered icecream after, no matter how hard they tried to tempt me I refused to budge. I had already had my desert as far as I was concerned. Went to be at midnight, slept in until 5:05a and woke in such a coughing fit as my throat was dry. Not to mention I have had a chest cold since last Sunday. A minor one considering the last two were borderline deathly(at least that was how they felt at the time). And after coughing out the yick and drinking two glasses of water, I read a bit from a book that I am supposed to give to Rodicon(when I finally see her *sigh* *g*) and fell asleep till just after 11a. That last 5 hrs was a good one too as I had a VERY interesting dream to do with being in a movie filmed on a historical but supernatural battlefield. Where the course of the battle was being reinacted in a weird(no combatants visible) fashion. It did not interfere with the filming but when we were standing on the field of battle we could see the ghostly stratagies being executed and it was completely unnerving. I think there was an airship involved too...but that could have been a part of the movie. Oh, and there was sex.....heh.

Ok. So today..cooked breakfast for me and son...finish project, do all laundry, and my son is playing D&D with his friends tonight so it's a fine opportunity to go out and head out to Suburbs later. At least, that's the plan.


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