More dreams..
Though I am not sure how much I appreciate this one. That I am dreaming again(or at least remembering them) is great....but not when the dream has to do with crazy glueing your kitten back together.
In my dream I had just gotten a kitten. A pretty orange tabby. Well, she decided to follow me down the stairs into the basement of a house I used to live in years ago and she fell off the stairs about 10 feet down to the cement floor. *cringe* She just lay there and then tried to get up. I came down the stairs and went to her and saw that her fur in a complete diameter around her ribcage behind her front legs had come detached(like socks that have fallen down) and her ribcage and innerds were showing. Horrified I knew I couldn't get her to the pet doctor because it was the wee hours of the morning. So I decided that I would have to glue the cut together myself cause I didn't know how to do stitches. *ugh!* - Yesterday at work(this is IRL) I had some splits on my fingertips because my hands were so dry so I was putting bandaids and polysporin on them. My boss(Kelly) told me she usually puts Krazy Glue on small cuts on her hands to help protect and bond it until it is healed. This is actually practiced in first aid and you can buy this firstaid for cuts glue off the shelf also. But to use it on the poor kitten? And what the hell?
Recently, a wmp movie was being forwarded around the two offices here and in Calgary. It showed a Whitetail being was so graphic and gutwrenching that it almost made me physically ill and I'll tell you this, I won't be hunting animals(unless absolutely necessary, which it almost never is) again.
In my dream I had just gotten a kitten. A pretty orange tabby. Well, she decided to follow me down the stairs into the basement of a house I used to live in years ago and she fell off the stairs about 10 feet down to the cement floor. *cringe* She just lay there and then tried to get up. I came down the stairs and went to her and saw that her fur in a complete diameter around her ribcage behind her front legs had come detached(like socks that have fallen down) and her ribcage and innerds were showing. Horrified I knew I couldn't get her to the pet doctor because it was the wee hours of the morning. So I decided that I would have to glue the cut together myself cause I didn't know how to do stitches. *ugh!* - Yesterday at work(this is IRL) I had some splits on my fingertips because my hands were so dry so I was putting bandaids and polysporin on them. My boss(Kelly) told me she usually puts Krazy Glue on small cuts on her hands to help protect and bond it until it is healed. This is actually practiced in first aid and you can buy this firstaid for cuts glue off the shelf also. But to use it on the poor kitten? And what the hell?
Recently, a wmp movie was being forwarded around the two offices here and in Calgary. It showed a Whitetail being was so graphic and gutwrenching that it almost made me physically ill and I'll tell you this, I won't be hunting animals(unless absolutely necessary, which it almost never is) again.
Glad to see I;m not the only one who;s been dreaming. I had a dream about Rory's Funeral and that it had been suicide. Poor Rory didn;t know what to think about that and to be honest neither do I. With Jeff's funeral last weekend I supposed I know where it came from but why Rory? I know a number of others who may actauly be in that dream.
*consults book, 10000 Dreams Interpreted*
"1. dreaming of suicide alerts us to a violent end to soemthing, perhaps a project or relationship. It is also a sign of anger against the Self. It may signify the end of a business or business relationship.
2. Emotionally, when dreams of suicide occur, we may have come to the end of our ability to cope with a particular situation in our lives. It does not actually mean that we are suicidal. It simply marks the end of a phase.
3. Often on the path of spirituality we must let go of the old Self. This often occurs in dreams as a kind of suicide."
Often in this book there are three different interpretations given. Problem with this one is the suicide doesn't involve you except in a peripheral(sp) sort of sense. And I think Rory isn't the subject but the vehicle, the surrogate who this case, perhaps something/one as familiar. The others are bystanders, onlookers. Is my guess anyways.
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