Sunday, February 05, 2006

Suburbs lastnight was quite decent, though my ears...yeah my right ear is still ringing. There was this one song early in the evening that was so loud it made me cringe and lose rhythem a few times. I am hoping it's only temporary. I danced and danced! And danced some more with N quite a bit, and with R a few times also. What a great way to get exercise and you know what? I found something this morning that pleases me to no end, my knees aren't nearly as sore as they have been in the past when dancing all night. This means my fitness must be improving. Fucking awesome! It's just the encouragement I need to renew my determination to lose this excess weight and shape up.

Another inspiration though is N. Aside from looking and feeling better, I know medically I am headed for more problems than the ones I have now if I don't reduce the weight. Soon. My biological father died at age 44 of a cardiac arrest and I don't want to be following in those steps. So it's yoga in the morning along with some calethetics(pushups and situps) each of which I enjoy immensely and dancing in my basement to an industrial compilation of favorite songs. Also, I have resolved to reduce my sugar intake and learn to cook on a lower carb level. It's a big change, and I know it won't be easy. I really do want to live a long, and be able to offer that health and longevity to my future lifemate. **Edit: No assumptions there.

It's amazing, the people that time brings into your life. To help teach you what you need to get through to the next stage.

Lastly, I spent from 3:30a(after Suburbs) to 9:30a in Humpty's with N just talking. I was so tired but we covered quite a few topics. No, no details, except to say I have had a lot to review today and I am more sure now the direction I'd like to go. Also, I am more certain that Channeling Viggo was indeed inspired...not however by Viggo. The title didn't feel right by the time I finished writing it.


Blogger Tyburn said...

Good to hear. Get 'em!

10:40 PM  

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