Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I have a hole in my gastank. I think it is on or near the connection to the neck(where you fill) of the tank. Was at Sobey's on Monday and noticed the steady drip, drip, drip. Caught drip, gas. Crap. And I don't have the money to get it fixed. So I will only fill the tank half full from now on. I've been driving this way for sometime apparently(yeah that's the gas smell I've noticed after a fill), a little longer hopefully won't hurt. Next month I either get it fixed or I get a new(likely used)car. If it last that long.

Ok, I'm off to bed.

P.S. In other news, seems I can now fit into a couple pair of pants I haven't fit into for a few years. 30lbs lost in the past month. *Is happy* And I've calculated...over the past 2 years I've lost a total of 70lbs, believe it or not.

Ok, now I'm off to bed.


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