I had a thought, driving in to work today, does a couple days of feeling crappy will appease the karmic wheel when, when the day finally arrives to feel really good about yourself and your friends thoughtfulness? Cause they actually threw you a surprise birthday party but decided to let you think they’d forgotten or had other plans that day? If indeed there is to be a party in my future, I guess it would be my own fault not to organize one in favor of waiting to see…
Whatever happens, I am feeling particularly fragile these past few days due to that oh so convenient monthly *event* and so I hope you’ll all forgive my need to expel here the crappiness that my self(ish) esteem sees fit to unload on me.
Whatever happens, I am feeling particularly fragile these past few days due to that oh so convenient monthly *event* and so I hope you’ll all forgive my need to expel here the crappiness that my self(ish) esteem sees fit to unload on me.
*hug* No need to excuse yourself at all.
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