Pledge of Blood
Even though I live up here in Canada I have been trying to think of a way to help the victims of Katrina and Rita. I don't have a lot of money, being a single mother, but I am going to donate to the American Red Cross for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, I'm mailing that off tomorrow.
I have also made another pledge. I will be heading to the Canadian Blood Services tomorrow and donating blood. Though it likely will not help those victims of Katrina and now Rita, I hope to honour them by it..and it will help those in need here. I am pledging to donate blood once every two months for one year. This is not something I've done on a regular basis(only 3 times over the past 5 years) but I can't think of a better time to or opportunity than now to make this pledge. 'It is in me to give.' So I will. Tomorrow after work I will go to the Canadian Blood Services here in Edmonton and give my first donation.
I have also made another pledge. I will be heading to the Canadian Blood Services tomorrow and donating blood. Though it likely will not help those victims of Katrina and now Rita, I hope to honour them by it..and it will help those in need here. I am pledging to donate blood once every two months for one year. This is not something I've done on a regular basis(only 3 times over the past 5 years) but I can't think of a better time to or opportunity than now to make this pledge. 'It is in me to give.' So I will. Tomorrow after work I will go to the Canadian Blood Services here in Edmonton and give my first donation.