Wednesday, March 15, 2006

So here I am sick again. What is with this?? I am never sick more than once or twice a year and this is now my fifth time since the fall. Chest/sinus/throat..again. Came on as a tickle on Sunday night and was fullblown chest/throat by the time I woke Monday morning. I'm making a doctor's appointment today as this is getting ridiculous.

My mom tells me she'll be able to help me get a new(used) car next month so I should start looking now, also she is going to buy us a new couch for the livingroom as well...the fact that Steve and his extended family were living in there, until I trapped them all, has likely contributed to the repeated illnesses my son and I have been suffering from. Could also be that my sleep schedule has been on a short leash for quite a while now, combine that with giving blood every two months(seem to get sick right after those events) and all the activity I've had in the past couple months has perhaps contributed to my being rundown enough to be susceptible. Need to figure a way to balance the activities in my life and get enough sleep to keep going I guess.

This weekend there is the Edmonton Sportsman Show...our office and Calgary are all going to be manning it. I've booked myself in for Sunday 10a-5p. And if anyone is interested, Jason Maas is going to be at our booths from 4p-8p Thursday through Saturday giving autographs and helping out. Hmm...just thinking about when I am supposed to be there...does it conflict with the manhunt and cribbage tourney...must check on that.

This isn't much of a post.. but then I haven't been posting much lately, so this is an improvement I'd say..

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I have a hole in my gastank. I think it is on or near the connection to the neck(where you fill) of the tank. Was at Sobey's on Monday and noticed the steady drip, drip, drip. Caught drip, gas. Crap. And I don't have the money to get it fixed. So I will only fill the tank half full from now on. I've been driving this way for sometime apparently(yeah that's the gas smell I've noticed after a fill), a little longer hopefully won't hurt. Next month I either get it fixed or I get a new(likely used)car. If it last that long.

Ok, I'm off to bed.

P.S. In other news, seems I can now fit into a couple pair of pants I haven't fit into for a few years. 30lbs lost in the past month. *Is happy* And I've calculated...over the past 2 years I've lost a total of 70lbs, believe it or not.

Ok, now I'm off to bed.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

More dreams..

Though I am not sure how much I appreciate this one. That I am dreaming again(or at least remembering them) is great....but not when the dream has to do with crazy glueing your kitten back together.

In my dream I had just gotten a kitten. A pretty orange tabby. Well, she decided to follow me down the stairs into the basement of a house I used to live in years ago and she fell off the stairs about 10 feet down to the cement floor. *cringe* She just lay there and then tried to get up. I came down the stairs and went to her and saw that her fur in a complete diameter around her ribcage behind her front legs had come detached(like socks that have fallen down) and her ribcage and innerds were showing. Horrified I knew I couldn't get her to the pet doctor because it was the wee hours of the morning. So I decided that I would have to glue the cut together myself cause I didn't know how to do stitches. *ugh!* - Yesterday at work(this is IRL) I had some splits on my fingertips because my hands were so dry so I was putting bandaids and polysporin on them. My boss(Kelly) told me she usually puts Krazy Glue on small cuts on her hands to help protect and bond it until it is healed. This is actually practiced in first aid and you can buy this firstaid for cuts glue off the shelf also. But to use it on the poor kitten? And what the hell?

Recently, a wmp movie was being forwarded around the two offices here and in Calgary. It showed a Whitetail being was so graphic and gutwrenching that it almost made me physically ill and I'll tell you this, I won't be hunting animals(unless absolutely necessary, which it almost never is) again.